
About carbonfit

about us

Who we are.

Carbonfit is your trusted partner in carbon accounting and effectively reducing your business's carbon emissions. We are dedicated to helping businesses of all sizes navigate the complexities and barriers of the Net Zero journey. We harness the latest technological advancements and expertise of our team to deliver precise and efficient carbon reduction strategies, staying ahead in a rapidly evolving field.

At carbonfit, we specialise in carbon reduction through comprehensive digital carbon accounting services and impactful carbon reduction plans tailored to meet the unique needs of our clients. From carbon footprinting to Net Zero and beyond, we provide the solutions required for each step of the journey. Our vision is to empower businesses with the tools and knowledge necessary to track, manage, and reduce their carbon emissions effectively. We believe that sustainable business practices are not only good for the planet but also essential for long-term success and competitiveness.

about carbonfit - carbon accounting software and expert support team
our journey - carbon accounting experts

Our journey.

Founded in 2020, Carbonfit was born out of a vision to make sustainability accessible and actionable for all businesses. Our founders, a group of chartered engineers with over 20 years of experience in the sustainability industry, recognised the growing need for reliable carbon accounting and decarbonisation solutions as businesses faced increasing pressure to address their environmental impact. Over the past years, we have grown from a small startup into a leading provider of carbon reduction solutions, helping hundreds of companies reduce their carbon emissions by an average of 10% in their first year.

Our mission.

Our mission at carbonfit is clear: to support our clients in achieving Net Zero faster with intelligent solutions. We are committed to delivering expert carbon accounting services that provide accurate, actionable insights into your business's carbon footprint. By leveraging our expertise and cutting-edge technology, we provide you with a clear Net Zero roadmap, enabling informed decisions that lead to significant carbon reductions, operational efficiencies, and impactful carbon emission reduction results.

carbonfit is your trusted partner in carbon accounting and reducing your businesses carbon emissions

What we do.

Carbonfit offers a range of services designed to support your sustainability journey. Our comprehensive carbon accounting platform allows you to easily measure your carbon footprint accurately, track Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions, and generate detailed reports that comply with regulatory requirements such as SECR and PPN06/21. Our solutions are designed to be user-friendly, enabling businesses to integrate carbon accounting into their daily operations seamlessly.

In addition to carbon accounting, our team of chartered engineers provides strategic advice and support to help you develop and implement effective carbon reduction plans. Our team of experts works closely with you to identify opportunities for reducing emissions, improving energy efficiency, identifying suitable carbon reduction grants and funding, and adopting sustainable practices. Whether you are just starting your sustainability journey or looking to enhance your existing efforts, carbonfit is here to support you every step of the way.

We empower leaders with clear, actionable insights and simplified processes, transforming carbon management into an integral part of everyday business operations.
Stephen Dunn, COO
carbonfit co-founder stephen dunn - carbon accounting and reduction software
Looking to get started? We'll help you turn
your project into a success story.

Ready to start your journey to net zero?
We're here to help

carbonfit experts have over 30 years of combined experience in carbon reduction and management

Our approach.

Our approach is grounded in experience, expertise, transparency, and accountability. We believe that accurate carbon accounting is the foundation of any successful carbon reduction or decarbonisation strategy. By providing clear, reliable data, we help you understand your current impact and track your progress over time. This data-driven approach ensures that you can set realistic targets, measure your achievements, and communicate your successes to stakeholders with confidence. Through the guidance of our dedicated carbon engineers, who have developed proven methods over 20 years of experience in this industry, you are guaranteed to accelerate your carbon reduction journey by partnering with us.

Our impact.

We are proud of the positive impact our work has had on businesses and the environment. Through our carbon accounting and emission reduction services, we have helped our clients achieve significant carbon savings, reduce operational costs, increased carbon awareness via education, simplified the data collection process and enhance their reputations as responsible, sustainable organisations.

carbonfit carbon accouting and reduction software makes it easy to create a positive impact on your business carbon emissions
carbonfit clients reduce carbon emissions
carbonfit helps business manage carbon emissions and remain compliant with carbon legislation
carbon accoutning software for the healthcare sector
experts supporting carbon accounting software for business