

Energy Carbon Reporting

Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) policy requires organisations to share energy use and carbon emissions information in their annual reports.

Ready to streamline your energy and carbon reporting with SECR? Contact us today to learn how carbonfit can help you achieve compliance and improve your sustainability efforts.

Get ahead of the curve and ensure your business remains sustainable and compliant. Book a call with our team of experts today.
SECR reporting for your business
carbon accounting for your business

How we can help.

At carbonfit, we specialise in SECR (Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting) to help businesses comply with the policy requirements to share energy use and carbon emissions information in their annual reports. Our expert team provides comprehensive reporting, accurate data collection, and actionable insights, ensuring that your SECR submissions are both compliant and valuable for your business’s energy management and carbon reduction strategies.

Compliance +

Ensuring compliance with SECR regulations is crucial for avoiding penalties and maintaining a positive reputation. At carbonfit, we stay up-to-date with the latest SECR requirements and help your business adhere to these standards. Our expertise in streamlined energy and carbon reporting ensures that your submissions meet all regulatory criteria.

Data Collection +

Accurate data collection is the backbone of effective SECR. We gather detailed information on your energy usage and carbon emissions, utilising advanced tools and methodologies. This comprehensive data collection process is essential for generating precise and reliable SECR reports.

Reporting +

Our team excels in producing clear and comprehensive SECR reports. We translate your energy and emissions data into structured reports that are easy to understand and submit. These reports not only fulfil regulatory requirements but also provide valuable insights into your energy and carbon performance.

Insights +

Beyond compliance, our SECR services offer actionable insights into your energy management and carbon reduction strategies. By analysing your SECR data, we identify opportunities for improving energy efficiency and reducing emissions. These insights help you make informed decisions that drive sustainability and cost savings.

Continuous Improvement +

SECR is not just about annual reporting; it's about fostering a culture of continuous improvement. At carbonfit, we support your ongoing efforts to enhance energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions. Our continuous monitoring and analysis ensure that you remain compliant and make steady progress towards your sustainability goals.

Meet your carbon compliance expert.

Annemarie Roddy, Associate Director at Carbonfit, brings nearly two decades of expertise in the energy and carbon industry, making her a valuable asset for your SECR and carbon compliance needs. Leading Carbonfit’s compliance department, she excels in sustainable design, carbon management, and a variety of compliance standards, including SECR, ISO14064, GHG Protocol, SBTi pathways, and PAS2060. With a Bachelor's degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering and multiple certifications, Annemarie's thorough knowledge and experience ensure accurate and comprehensive carbon reporting. Whether it’s conducting gap analyses, producing carbon baselines, or delivering engaging workshops, Annemarie provides exceptional solutions tailored to your needs. Book a call to leverage her expertise for your project.

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