
Platform Features

Innovative features
for data-driven decisions

Automatic carbon footprint calculations verified by our industry leading carbonfit technology, for industry benchmarking and lowering carbon emissions. Using the power of carbonfit technology. Improving performance, lowering carbon emissions and ensuring compliance across business and supply chains.

carbon footprint +

Your carbon footprint is made up of Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions. Understanding and managing your carbon footprint is crucial for achieving sustainability and reducing your environmental impact. Our carbon accounting solutions provide the tools and insights necessary to accurately measure and inform strategic decision-making in real time to effectively reduce your business's carbon emissions.

data dashboard +

Continuous monitoring is vital for effective emissions reduction. The intuitive Carbonfit Dashboard provides ongoing support and utilizes advanced carbon accounting tools to track your progress over time. This powerful platform allows us to adjust strategies as needed, ensuring your emissions reduction efforts are aligned with your sustainability goals. With real-time data and insights, the Carbonfit Dashboard keeps you informed and on track towards achieving a greener future.

utility tracking +

Using our carbonfit software utility tracking feature, you can then easily track and analyse your ongoing utility costs month on month identifying anomalies and high periods of use. Our intelligent software can compare various timeframes to provide insightful data. With our proven brokering service our clients rest at ease with a green sustainable supply secured at the best market rate.

smart data features +

Smart data analysis features are essential for effective emissions reduction. The intuitive Carbonfit Dashboard harnesses advanced analytics to provide deep insights into your carbon footprint. By analyzing real-time data, it identifies trends, highlights inefficiencies, and suggests actionable strategies. This intelligent approach ensures that your emissions reduction efforts are not only on track but also optimized for maximum impact, helping you meet your sustainability goals with precision and confidence.

predicitve modelling +

Predictive carbon reduction modeling is a key feature of the intuitive Carbonfit platform, designed to optimize your sustainability projects. By leveraging advanced algorithms, the dashboard predicts emission reductions and calculates the return on investment (ROI) for each initiative. This forward-looking approach allows you to evaluate the potential impact and financial benefits of various strategies, ensuring informed decision-making and efficient resource allocation. With predictive modeling, you can confidently plan projects that deliver significant emissions reductions and tangible ROI, driving your sustainability goals forward.

automated scope 3 calculations +

By inviting your suppliers to the platform, their emissions data can be automatically calculated and integrated into your overall carbon footprint. This seamless process ensures comprehensive and accurate Scope 3 emissions reporting, saving time and reducing errors. With automated calculations, you gain a clearer understanding of your supply chain's impact, enabling more effective emissions reduction strategies and fostering stronger, more sustainable partnerships.


At carbonfit, our team of carbon experts brings unparalleled knowledge and experience in all stages of the Net Zero journey. With decades of combined expertise, our Chartered engineers, CIBSE low carbon engineers, qualified GHG Protocol sustainability advisors and energy and procurement managers are adept at navigating the complexities of carbon accounting and achieving impactful carbon reduction. Their experience in the carbon sector over last 20 years means they understand the difficulties and barriers typically met by our clients. As a result they have developed carbonfit software and are on hand to provide additional guidance and expertise to support you in your navigation of this journey.

From accurate carbon footprinting to regulatory compliance to designing your carbon reduction strategies tailored to your specific needs, providing actionable insights and innovative solutions ,our team can support you at each step.By leveraging our team's skills, whether starting your journey or need assistance on the next stages, we can help optimise your operations, accelerate your net zero journey, and stay ahead in your industry's environmental legislative requirements. Trust carbonfit's carbon experts to guide you on your Net Zero Journey.

one of our expert carbon reduction engineers working on carbonfit carbon accouting and reduction solutions
Our experienced and innovative team provides trusted, practical solutions, combining deep expertise with creativity to drive impactful results. - Aaron Mclean (Associate Director)
carbon accounting software and expert support reducing carbon emissions for business